It's time for us to gather, Goddess. Will you answer the call?

Because you’re ready to step out from the shadows and stop dimming your beautiful, sacred light.

It's time for you to rise, sister.

You’re ready to reclaim your truth. You’re ready to step back into your feminine power.

When women gather together in the circle, we...

  • Awaken a power within us that was always there (but has long been forgotten and silenced). 
  • We start to heal the sister wound that keeps us small, insecure and disconnected from our fellow sisters.
  • We are reminded that we are the oracle. That we are magic, so powerful + worthy.
  • We are connected back with the truth that we are all of the elements and all of the seasons, we are the Creative wisdom.
  • We remember that it's safe for us to take up space, expand, evolve and embrace our divine wholeness

Are you ready to remember?

New Moon in Sagittarius Goddess Circle



An online portal to awaken your dark feminine and connect to the sensual and potent energy of Sagittarius.

You will receive …

  • A two hour online portal of Divine Feminine sisterhood
  • An energy reading of the New Moon in Sagittarius & how to harness it
  • Guidance on HOW to become the self-leading Queen of your life and the Huntress archetype
  • A guided New Moon intention setting practice
  • Visualisation & embodiment practice
  • A Q&A to connect and receive coaching
  • BONUS: A beautiful workbook to integrate post-ceremony



Here's the honey drip...

🍯 A 2 hour live portal of feminine energy, Goddess activations and sisterhood

🍯 A break down of common 'divine feminine' myths and why they're holding you back

🍯 How to identify where your wounded masculine energy is ruling your life

🍯 My three keys for finding your Feminine Frequency + step-by-step tools for living an embodied, expansive life

🍯 How to liberate yourself from scarcity programming and increase your capacity to receive

🍯 A guided embodiment practice to awaken your feminine essence and unblock the throat chakra

🍯 Space for guided journalling, sacred sharing and a hot seat Q&A

✨ The next Goddess Circle will be announced soon ✨

Are you ready for this level of expansion...

Hi, Sweet Queen. I'm Lydia Rose.

I'm a feminine awakening coachhealing priestess devoted to the rise of the divine feminine. Through my sacred work, I help women to reach higher levels of power, sensuality, radiance, confidence and self-worth. 

I stand for radical self-love, the deep healing of the sister wound, the revival of sensuality and inner-magic and the return to wholeness — to the Goddess — within.

Within my sacred, one-to-one coaching containers, I've guided women from around the world back into their feminine power and radiance. 

Hundreds more have stepped out from the shadows and reclaimed their truth within my Full Moon Circles.

Are you ready to embrace your full, authentic, whole self?

To shine your unique and radiant light and dance in your shadows?

Do you wish to feel safe expressing your truth? And to love yourself completely?

The world needs you healed, whole and at high frequency.

This is your calling to rise, sister.

Will you answer the call?